Resume of Dr. Skrynnikov V.G.
The chief of WG5 «Electromagnetic compatibility of telecommunication networks and systems» branch of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences «Information and Telecommunication Technologies». Ph. D. Degree in Radio Engineering (1988) on a speciality «General bases and control systems», Senior scientific employee (1993), Expert of scientific and technical sphere (2000), published over 60 scientific papers on problems EMS in cellular networks and to problems of data transmission in networks of mobile communication 3-rd generation, has copyright certificate on the invention.
Professional experience and areas of scientific activity:
- interfaces of plural access with broadband signals;
- EMS radio-electronic means, frequency planning and optimization of mobile networks;
- theory of radio signals, coding of the data;
- noise stability and efficiency of systems of communication;
- optimum processing signals in systems of communication;
- systems of cellular communication of the second and third generations;
- QoS in modern systems of communication.