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Æóðíàë "T-Comm"

Resume of Prof. Kuzovkova T.A.

Tatiana A. Kuzovkova -

Chairman of Working Group 6 «Economics of Infocommunications» of ITT branch of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor Economical Science (1995), Professor, Dean of «Economics and Management» faculty in Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Head of «Economics of Communications» MTUCI Chair, obtained honorary degree «Master of Communications», «Honorary worker of High Education School of the Russian Federation», published over 170 scientific papers, 3 Study books, 5 Study manuals and 20 monographs on Economic problems of telecommunications, Economic Statistics and Teltcommunication Management issues.

Brought up over 20 PhDs on Economic problems of Telecommunications and formed the scientific school in Economic problems of telecommunications and Economic Statistics as the Leader.

Scientific and professional fields of activity:

Analysis and prognostication Development;

Current situation analysis on Infocommunication market;

Financial and Economic Monitoring of telecom operators and enterprises;

Organization and business processes development in Infocommunications.

Expert in creations of Communications Conceptions and Programs on telecommunication and Post development, in preparation of Government decisions on telecom market development. Deep experienced in international organizations as ITU, CEPT/ECC and World Post Union.

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