Resume of Prof. Reznikova N.P.

Natalia P. Reznikova - Chairman of Working Group 7 «Management of Infocommunications» of ITT branch of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Ph.D (1979) and Doctor Economical Science (1994), Professor, Head of «Manufacturing Management, Audit and Accounting» Chair in Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Chairman of Dissertation Board D219.001.02(MTUCI), ITU Adviser, obtained honorary degree «Master of Communications», published over 100 scientific papers, 3 Study books and one monograph on telecom enterprises management, 3 monograph on Telecommunication Marketing issues. Took part in preparation of two generations of Government Education Standards and MBA MTUCI Education.
Brought up over 15 PhDs on Management and Marketing of Telecommunications and formed the scientific school in Management and Marketing of telecommunications as the Leader.
Scientific and professional fields of activity:
- Methods and Instruments of enterprises and process management in Infocommunications;
- Marketing instrument Development and Economic problem of Internet;
- Modernization of Management, Financial mechanisms and ITU Terminology.
Had big experience in international conferences activity - Germany(1985), France (1996), Switzerland (1996-2008.), Belgium (1998), Khazachstan (2000), Spain (2002), Turkey (Plenary conference ITU-2006). Deep experienced in practical and methodical issues of international organizations as ITU Board and ITU-D.