WG11 «Mobile WiMAX»
Resume of Dr. Portnoy S.L.
Dr. Sergey L. Portnoy- Chairman Working Group 11 «Fixed Communication Technologies» of ITT branch of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Science at 1979 in the area of error correcting coding for TDMA Satellite Systems, Regional director of WiMAX Forum, Russia & CIS, Director on strategic business development Alvarion Ltd. Russia & CIS, Chairman of Board JSC Cedicom, system integration and distribution, Part-time Professor at Moscow University of Radiotechnics, Electronics and Automatics, published over 150 scientific papers and 2 books on OFDM-signals and wireless broadband access issues.
More then 15 years conducting research & development and methodological works in Research Authority of the Ministry of Communications.
Scientific and professional fields of activity:
- combined coding and modulation,
- radio electronics, digital signal processing, algebraic coding theory,
- data compression, cryptology, communication protocols,
- networking, marketing and economy aspects of knowledge-based economy and Internet economy of countries in transition,
- broadband wireless access and WiMAX technologies.
Actively participated in the work of WiMAX Forum as representative of the Russian Federation and CIS.