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Æóðíàë "T-Comm"

WG14 «Innovation management of telecommunications»

Resume of Dr. Grigory Bochechka

Dr. Grigory Bochechka

The Chairman of WG14 «Innovation management of telecommunications» branch of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences «Information and Telecommunication Technologies», Head of Innovation center department of LLC «ICOMINVEST», lecturer of Plekhanov Russian University of EconomicsPh.D. Degree received in specialty «Systems, Networks and Telecommunication Devices». Author of above 20 articles on current scientific and technical aspects of the development and introduction of advanced mobile technologies in Russia.

Professional and scientific fields of activity:

He has experience in the development and implementation of additional voice and SMS services, various multimedia services, as well as experience implementing and operating VAS platforms in the Russian CDMA operator SkyLink.

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