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The Information Technology of Industrial Russia project (CIPR)


The 2016 Digital Industry of Manufacturing in Russia Forum, which is the first IT conference in Russia was held in the Special Economic Zone of Innopolis (Republic of Tatarstan) under the auspices of Rostec on June, 7-9.

CIPR-2016 provided a platform for an effective dialog between industry and defense sector representatives, IT professionals, and venture investors. The conference was attended by representatives of Ministry for Industry and Trade, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the leading enterprises of development of equipment and element base of electronics in Russia JSC «Ruselectronics», JSC “Concern "Avtomatika” and manufacturers of mobile communication equipment JSC “Concern “Sozvezdie”, Samsung, Huawei, national operators VimpelCom, MTS, MegaFon, Tele-2, Rostelecom, integrators and research organizations DETECON, FSUE NIIR, ITT RAEN, IcomInvest, and others. The business forum brought together representatives of several CIS countries and Asia.

A feature of this forum was its practical orientation for new promotional solutions for the digital economy of Russia, which would cover all vertical sectors of the national industry, medicine and education.

270 speakers, including Nikolay Nikiforov, Minister of Communications and Mass Media, Sergey Chemezov, Rostec Director General, Herman Klimenko, Russian President's Internet Adviser, as well as the heads of core ministries and major industrial holdings and corporations performed in 45 panel sessions and 12 special events.

The plenary session "Business struggle. Electronics as a factor of development of the industry" was dedicated to the achievements of Russian electronics, today's challenges and prospects for the implementation of information technology in the context of import substitution.

Participants noted that the volume of Russian electronics market is 2.9 trillion Russian rubles, and telecommunications equipment accounts 14% of the market with a growth rate in 2015 about 7% for civilian sector and 9% for military sector. It is planned to allocate 124.6 billion Russian rubles to the development of electronic and radio-electronic industry until 2025 in the framework of the state program. There is an acute problem of shortage of staff: Russia requires 13 thousands of workers in the electronics industry every year, and this need will continue until 2025. Broadband Internet market volume amounted to 35 billion Russian rubles with 30.3 million of active users 2.3% growth rate in 2015.

Three discussion blocks including several thematic sessions and round tables were held at the first day of Cipr-2016:

  • Concept of lifecycle and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM);
  • Intelligent decision-making support system for construction management, long-range development and command and control;
  • Is exaflops a super ambition or an unavoidable barrier to further economic development?
  • Smart factories;
  • Cloud services and cloud infrastructure;
  • Robotics future. The transition to an intelligent control system;
  • Electronic component base;
  • Bionic technology and bionic industry;
  • 5G launch perspective in Russia - breakthrough in the Internet of Things;
  • Automated enterprise resource planning systems (ERP);
  • Computer technologies for modeling and production CAD products and CAE systems;
  • Automated Object Management Architecture (OMA).

The plenary session «5G launch perspective in Russia - breakthrough in the Internet of things," was held under the auspices of the Regional Branch «Information and Telecommunication Technologies» of RAEN V. Tihvinskiy. The session was attended by more than 20 experts for discussion of the challenges of the future development of 5G in Russia.

At the plenary session several reports were presented:

  • DETECON report on the theme of "5G - the basis of digital transformation" (K. Marin) with the view of the largest European operator Deutsche Telekom on 5G Development Strategy;
  • "5G Rus project - achievements and perspectives of implementation" (V. Tihvinskiy).

The main achievements of the following 5G Rus Project were highlighted:

1. 5G Rus project is currently one of the most active corporate projects which is highly conducive to 5G networks introduction in market in Russia.

2. Competences of innovative center of IcomInvest in the field of 5G are recognized by leading international organizations of 5G technology standardization.

3. Innovation Radar 5G, developed as part of the research of 5G Rus project is an instrument of innovation management that allows firstly, to assess the willingness for 5G innovations of operators, equipment producers and federal executive authority, then to make a list of priorities for innovations, which will provide a competitive advantage to operators and federal executive authorities at 5G services market, as well as to evaluate the economic impact of innovation.

Doctor of Economics, Academy of Natural Sciences Valery Tikhvinskiy met Vice-Rector for Science and Research Affairs of Innopolis University Iskander Bariev. The results of research of Academy of Natural Sciences for 5G Rus project and possibility of joint-cooperation in the sphere of M2M, the Internet of Things and 5G networks and services were discussed.

Text of the report by ITT RANS "5G Rus project - achievements and perspectives of implementation" (by V. Tikhvinskiy) is available upon request and on the website of Cipr-2016.

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