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Æóðíàë "T-Comm"

23th annual international conference «Mobile and Wireless Broadband business: Standardizations and Technologies»

Russian Academy of Natural Science Regional branch “Information and Telecommunication Technologies”(ITT RAEN) has been successfully hosting its international Round Tables for more than 10 years by now.

We have the honor to invite you to 23th annual international conference «Mobile and Wireless Broadband business: Standardizations and Technologies» organized by ITT RAEN (the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) in cooperation with ETSI, Russian GSM Operators (“VimpelCom”, “Mobile TeleSystems”,”MEGAFON”, SkyLink, Tele2) and WiMAX Operators («Enforta», Joint-Stock Companies «Start Telecom», «Soyuz Telecom», «Flex», «PRESTIGE»), Vendors (Alvarion, Huawei, RADWIN, Lucent-Technologies, and SNS), Consulting companies and Telecom Universities (DETECON,MTUCI, Iset’Com). The event will take place on Juan-les-Pins (France), Congress Centre of Hotel AMBASSADEUR**** (www.etsi.org & www.raenitt.ru) from October 20th to 24th , 2008.

Invitation for members                                                                                                                            download
Agenda of conferencedownload

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